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"AI" news, interviews, and features

Features about AI

  • ​Is big data and artificial intelligence a (r)evolution in outsourcing?

    In recent years, big data and artificial intelligence (AI) have received overwhelming attention, however the interesting – even obvious – connection between the two hasn’t often been explored. It is the combination of big data and AI working together that is now enabling business leaders to deliver new insights, efficiencies and even new functions that haven’t been possible before. This is evident in the increasingly useful role big data and AI are playing in a broad spectrum of traditionally outsourced functions such as recruitment, HR, finance and supply chain, through to security and IT.

  • 5 reasons 2016 will be the year of the 'new IT'

    Digital transformation is rewriting the rules of IT, and CIOs will need to revamp their approaches if they want their companies to survive and thrive. Here are five predictions for what 2016 will bring under the 'new IT.'