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"iPhone" news, interviews, and features

Slideshows about iPhone

  • In Pictures: 14 fascinating facts about Apple's iPhone

    In Pictures: 14 fascinating facts about Apple's iPhone

    Eight years since its debut, Apple's iPhone has changed and conquered the smartphone market. Here are some interesting facts you might not know about the iPhone.

    In Pictures: 14 fascinating facts about Apple's iPhone
  • In Pictures: 10 popular iPhone apps you should delete

    In Pictures: 10 popular iPhone apps you should delete

    Screen after screen, folder after folder, app after app, the iPhone has become the new enabler for the mobile hoarder. For the New Year, though, many iPhone addicts have vowed to break or at least temper this fixation. If you’re looking for a fresh start, you can begin by deleting these 10 apps.

    In Pictures: 10 popular iPhone apps you should delete
  • Top 10 best Nokia phones of all time

    Top 10 best Nokia phones of all time

    Microsoft may be pulling the Nokia brand from Australia, but the glorious company will leave an indelible legacy. Here's but a glimpse at ten just examples.

    Top 10 best Nokia phones of all time

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